Something that a lot of brides may face is the challenge of figuring out who will be paying for the bridesmaid dresses. Should the bride pay for the dresses, or should the bridesmaid invited to be in the wedding be responsible? That is a fine line, that can only be determined based on each individual scenario.
If you have a huge budget and you are able to pay for your bridesmaid dresses, I say do it! I think it would be a great gesture. Your bridesmaid dresses could be their actual gifts. A lot of brides buy their attendants each a little gift, but if you are able to splurge and by them the dress, I think that would be amazing! I would be in a wedding every week if that were the case!!
If you have a smaller budget, there is never any need to feel like you HAVE to pay for your bridesmaid dresses. Give your attendants the opportunity to say yes or no. Each bridesmaid should know that they are responsible unless told otherwise from the bride. That should probably just be assumed.
In some cases, you may choose to help out a friend in your party that you just can't see not being in your wedding. I say it's okay in some cases to help a friend out, but I wouldn't showcase your generosity to the whole party, unless you are doing it for all of them.
Don't let your wedding party stress you out. Remember, whoever you asked to be in your party loves you and wants to be a part of your big day! Don't sweat the little things!
~Solutions Bridal